Le Centre de recherche en écologie de l’UdeS (CREUS)

Our research center is interested in the effects of the environment on biodiversity. In order to understand how the environment affects biodiversity, it is necessary to apply integrative principles. The strength of our center therefore involves the development of a multidisciplinary vision necessary to develop tools for the analysis and management of biodiversity in a changing environmental context. The majority of students and researchers at our Centre use long-term ecological monitoring to understand how spatio-temporal variations in the environment affect the species that live there.

To learn more about the CREUS program, visit http://cret-recherche.weebly.com/membres.html

Quebec Centre for Biodiversity Sciences

In 2025, the network connects more than 116 researchers, 542 graduate students and postdoctoral fellows, as well as many undergraduate students and numerous national and international partners.

The objective of the QCBS is to support the development and application of biodiversity science through collaboration, training and partnership. Our research is fostering the discovery, study, and sustainable use of biodiversity in Quebec, Canada and around the world.

To learn more about the QCBS program, visit https://qcbs.ca/co-researchers/

GDG Cloud Sherbrooke

GDG Cloud Sherbrooke is a community for those who use, want to use and are interested in the Google Cloud Platform (GCP). This Meetup will be for folks who live in or are visiting Sherbrooke (QC) who are interested in technologies available on the Google Cloud Platform.

To learn more about the GDG program, visit https://gdg.community.dev/gdg-cloud-sherbrooke/


Women Techmakers is a program created by Google to celebrate International Women’s Day and to highlight the talent of women in technology. This program has been in over 200 global events and seen across 52 countries.