Group Members
We are looking for new PhD students, Postdocs, and Master’s students to join the team (see openings) !
Jump to Principal Investigator, Collaborators, PhD Students, Master Students, Interns Students, Alumni, Administrative support.
Principal Investigator

Pre Nadia Tahiri
Assistant professor, started July 2021
- 🎓 Postdoc in QSAR/PBPK model prediction in environmental health sciences with Dr. Marc-André Verner, University of Montreal
- 🎓 PhD in Computer Science with Pr. Vladimir Makarenkov, University of Quebec at Montreal (4.3/4.3 GPA)
- 🎓 Master in Computer Science with Pr. Vladimir Makarenkov and Pr. Pedro Neto-Peres, University of Quebec at Montreal, Mention excellent (4.3/4.3 GPA)
- 🎓 DESS in Bioinformatic, University of Quebec at Montreal (4.26/4.3 GPA)
- 🎓 Bachelor in Cell Biology and Physiology with Dr. Laurent Pichon, University of Burgundy
- 🏆 FRQS Postdoctoral fellow at University of Montreal (First rang)
- 🏆 MITACS Accelerate at University of Quebec at Montreal
- 🏆 FRQNT PhD fellow at University of Quebec at Montreal
PhD Students

Aleksandr Koshkarov
PhD Candidate in Computer Science
- Comparison of phylogenetic trees defined on different but mutually overlapping sets of taxa
- 🏆 NSERC Doctoral fellow (CGS-D)
- 🏆 Bourse d'excellence de la Faculté des sciences de l’Université de Sherbrooke

Anna Artiges
PhD Candidate in Computer Science
Master’s Students

Soumia Melek
Master’s student (University of Quebec at Montreal)
- Un nouvel algorithme pour sélectionner les descripteurs utilisés par les modèles prédictifs des relations quantitatives structure-activité (RQSA).
- Collaboration with Pr. Vladimir Makarenkov

Mahsa Farnia
Master’s student (University of Sherbrooke)
- A novel generalized metric for comparing B cell lineage trees

Caroline Fortier
Master’s student (University of Sherbrooke)
- Environmental and genetic determinants of caffeine rates in Madagascar coffee plants (Coffea spp.)

Simon Lalonde
Master’s student (University of Sherbrooke)
- Développement d’un nouvel algorithme de modélisation de l'influence des paramètres climatiques et géographiques sur la structuration génétique de populations de plantes productrices de café
- 🏆 Mitacs Accelerate
- 🏆 Bourse d'excellence de la Faculté des sciences de l’Université de Sherbrooke
Interns Students

Justin Gagnon
Bachelor’s student in Ecology Science (University of Sherbrooke)
- Ecological and geographic influences on cumacea genetics in the Northern North Atlantic
Visitors / Interns
Sondos Samandi (int., 2015)
Alireza Goodarzi (int., 2015)
Wanlin Li (int., 2021)
Zineb Mohssine (int., 2021)
Md Habibur Rahman Sifat (visitor, 2023)
PhD students
Mouhamadou Moustapha Mbaye (2024)
Master’s students
Nancy Badran (2018)
Laura LĂ©vĂŞque (2021)
Wanlin Li (2023)
Fadi Abu Salem (2024)
Anna Artiges (2024)
Bachelor’s Students
Nadezda Kovalenko (2014)
My-Linh Luu (2023)
Elio Torquet (2024)
Administrative Support
Nadia Tahiri is helping us (and other groups) with administration.